Project Description
Kids Yoga and Family Yoga
Kids Yoga: Yoga for kids includes songs, games, and other fun activities that get kids moving together and learning from one another, particularly with partner yoga poses. This creates a positive, engaging environment in which kids can have fun, talk to one another, and learn to trust one another. Yoga also helps to cultivate increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and empathy within kids, which translates to more positive relationships with others by reflecting their positive attitude toward themselves onto others. The physical movements introduce kids to yoga’s true meaning: union, expression, and honor for oneself and one’s part in the life.
Family Yoga: Family yoga is very special; it is a rare opportunity for both parents and children to observe and learn from each other and a great way to bridge the huge age difference between them. The communication skills and loving connections we develop during the safe and relaxed atmosphere of the yoga class will go a long way in serving the family during stressful times.
The length of both sessions is between 45-60 mins, depending on the children’s age.
Please click on “Our Services” for prices.